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The Team


Prof. Ayelet Lesman

Principal Investigator 

Heading the Biomechanics of Living Cells Lab in the School for Mechanical Engineering, Tel Aviv University.


Dr. Oren Tchaicheeyan

Lab manager

Working on computational research such as DVC analysis, as well as experimental methodology such as rheometry and mechanical tests.


Shahar Goren

Ph.D Research Student

I am doing my Ph.D. in the faculty of chemistry, studying the nonlinear and anisotropic properties of fibrous biomaterials, incorporating simulations, experiments in optical tweezers and confocal microscopy.


Yoni Koren

Ph.D Research Student

During my Ph.D studies I investigate the mechanism of growth in plant roots, using Finite-Element modelling and live experiments, accounting for the roots mechanosensing abilities to detect obstacles and grow efficiently in the soil.


Nurit Bar-Shai

Ph.D Research Student

Ph.D student, in collaboration with the Golberg environmental engineering lab. My research looks into polysaccharides derived from seaweeds, to grow mammalian cells for tissue culture engineering technologies.


Roi Habba

M.Sc Research Student


Roman Khourin

Research Associate 

Bachelor's Students

Tamir Modan

Yuval Kaplun

Auri Menasheh

Maisam Shalabe

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Sapir drucker

Arina Shubovich

Yuval Eliyahu

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical Engineering


Yaniv Shlosberg, Ph.D
David Gomez, Ph.D
Ran Sopher, Ph.D
Sari Natan, Ph.D
Mirit Sharabi, Ph.D
Heftsi Ragones, Ph.D
Naama Gal, Ph.D

Ran Glinowiecki
Bar Ergaz
Avior Exsol
Avraham Kolel
Amots Mann
Avishy Roitblat
Viki Lepsky Raz
Noga Kalish
Ortal Shelah
Hanan Tokash
Oren Shabi

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